Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blackberries must die

;I don't have much time to write about it, but if your husband is like Ari Gold on Entourage, then you know EXACTLY what i am talking about.
i cannot tell you how many times i have tried to have conversations with my husband, only to be out voted by the blackberry, it's like his blanky he cannot live without.
i realize much of his work is through emails and if it weren't for his job, we would be out on the street, but there has to be blackberry etiquette somewhere, or someone should write a book/guideline.

Keep in mind this is all sarcasm:

One of my all time favorite blackberry moments is when I'm attempting to enjoy a romantic dinner with my husband who likes to keep his blackberry positioned on the table so he can view it all times.
At least he doesn't type emails during love making sessions, although I can't help but think that he is wondering how long it will be before he can cradle his phone again.

As a housewife struggling to write the next bestselling novel, I own an iPhone, mostly because my daughter enjoys the kids apps, but once I become a famous writer, I may have to join the annoying ranks of blackberry users.

Maybe then I will discover what the obsession is all about


  1. i so totally agree!!(tho it seems like i have to get one)there should be a BB etiquette guide/book somewhere...BB takes up 70% of 'me' time n leaves my love bank half maybe I'll come up wiv one.

  2. Yes! Blackberries should have time limits on them. "only to be used between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm". It seems people now think texting in the middle of a conversation is ok. Pft. When will blackberriers learn?!

    ps. thanks for following my blog! Loving yours - always nice to find a new one to read! :D

  3. Start out by setting 30 minutes every evening to converse - no interferences. You can gradually increase it after several weeks to one hour. After that you may find out that you really don't have much to talk about and you may secretly want him to go back to his blackberry. Dad
