Monday, May 9, 2011

Drive-Thru Funeral Home in the Ghetto

150th Anniversary of American Civil War

After countless books, maps, DVD's, and Civil War music, I feel I am ready to return to 1861.  With much effort to pull myself away from the TV and bed, I am feeling the writing muse beckon at my side to complete my novel by Jan 1, 2012.
In order to keep so information from becoming repetitious, I am strongly considering breaking each part of the book into 4 parts.  It's not uncommon for authors to write book series which makes sense considering I have information overload.
The girlie part of me wants to write a version of a Jane Austin/Civil War novel, not so much for publicity sake, but because I feel it might appeal to a larger/ younger female audience.
My husband, however feels I should write a Civil War "erotic" novel which I am sure would sell, but I do not wish to compromise my literary integrity for cheap sales.  So sorry Miguel and all those perv men friends who highly support his decision.
As of now Milicent (the heroine), is tiredly studying and crafting codes to teach potential spies. Meanwhile her husband, Edwin, is working tiredly with Union Generals in Washington recruiting professional photographers, topographers, and trusted Union couriers.  With Abraham Lincoln in such a predicament, he is willing to confide in Edwin Bingham's intelligent prowess, especially since the Confederates have already occupied parts of Quebec and Southern Ontario.