Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blackberries must die

;I don't have much time to write about it, but if your husband is like Ari Gold on Entourage, then you know EXACTLY what i am talking about.
i cannot tell you how many times i have tried to have conversations with my husband, only to be out voted by the blackberry, it's like his blanky he cannot live without.
i realize much of his work is through emails and if it weren't for his job, we would be out on the street, but there has to be blackberry etiquette somewhere, or someone should write a book/guideline.

Keep in mind this is all sarcasm:

One of my all time favorite blackberry moments is when I'm attempting to enjoy a romantic dinner with my husband who likes to keep his blackberry positioned on the table so he can view it all times.
At least he doesn't type emails during love making sessions, although I can't help but think that he is wondering how long it will be before he can cradle his phone again.

As a housewife struggling to write the next bestselling novel, I own an iPhone, mostly because my daughter enjoys the kids apps, but once I become a famous writer, I may have to join the annoying ranks of blackberry users.

Maybe then I will discover what the obsession is all about

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tea Pot blowing with Graham Norton

posted this over a yr ago on fb & still fascinated
you must scroll down to Graham Norton youtube video to derive the full effect

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

frank blurb on my experience as a parent

After several comical responses on my fb status update on Monday, I have been thinking quite a bit about all that parenting encompasses and how it affects all aspects of my life.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be arguing with a toddler on getting dressed, taking a bath, brushing teeth, etc..
My parents claim I was always a good and obedient child, which I am quite proud to boast, and although this cannot be placed on a resume, it's still nice to know.
I think back to my grandmothers and my lovely, yet insane cousin who has 5 children and wonder how they kept/keep their sanity.
Are children simply too spoiled today?  Are we giving them too many choices and loose iboundaries, or is this the way it has been since the Stone Age?
I don't recall ever dictating to my parents what i wanted to eat, or what I wanted to do for the day.  I simply followed along and ate whatever was on the table without question.  Then again, my parents had the worst tempers and put the fear of God in me.
As a child, I swore never to have my child walk on eggshells around me, however there are times when I wish she would be scared of me and not make EVERYTHING a battle.
Now I find myself preparing the strangest courses consisting of mashed potatoes, chow mien, beef and broccoli, and yogurt.
My senior year in college I took a psychology course named "Marriage and Family."  I only attended it because I needed the credits to graduate....believe me, marriage and family were the last things on my mind.
I read a case study on how a couple crumbled over the pressure of having a baby, and inwardly I thought, "well, it's no one's fault but their own."
I was one of those people who never cared for kids, although I did find babies cute, but kids...never.  If I was on an airplane and saw a family approaching I would cringe and hope they would not sit by me, in front of me, behind me, or within the next 15 rows of me.  When I received baby announcements from my friends, I would glance at the photo and immediately throw it in the trash.  All horrible truths, and now I'm ashamed that I was so insensitive, but as a single person, I wasn't in the least bit moved by these crazy photo announcements, baby showers, or birthday parties.
Now when my husband and I board a plane or enter a restaurant, I see people react like I used to, and I glare at them like "Don't you dare"
Also, the strain of having an intimate relationship with my spouse is basically nonexistent because given the choice of sleep or sex, we prefer sleep.  For those of you who are parents, admit it....sleep is much more wanted and needed than sex.
Despite the current drama that is occurring with my lovely 3 yr old daughter, I wouldn't change a thing, except I would have saved up since college so I could afford a 24 hr nanny service instead of spending exorbitant amounts of money on useless dresses and shoes.
My most treasured time of the day when I enjoy my daughter is at night when I look at that little angelic face...all those feelings of when she was an infant are brought back, and I fall in love tenfold.  Then morning comes and the daily grind starts all over.
If you are a parent reading this and consider me a horrible person for airing my true feelings, then you are a hypocrite because I know these thoughts have crossed your mind as well.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into."   Wayne Dyer