Tuesday, December 7, 2010

pancakes, preschool, bipolar depression, & civil war wedding

These four words/subjects can basically describe my life right now.  In between writing a civil war wedding scene for the next best selling novel to hit bookstores worldwide (my dream) and trying to perfect my pancakes for the most picky eater (my daughter); I am also trying to pull a loved one out of a deep dark depression.
Needless to say, life per usual is exhausting, but there has to be a silver lining....right?
So yesterday I did what any other individual would do in such a circumstance, I cried.  I cried till I thought all the tears had run dry, then guess what?  More tears ensued.
Looking back at less than 24 hrs ago, I have yet to come up with a plan, other than to "try try try" ---as my daughter Maya told me today when she heard me scream in the kitchen.
I opened the refrigerator door and stared at the numerous boxes of old Chinese food, and plastic containers of leftovers from the week before.  I asked Maya what she was talking about and she told me she was referring to a Ni-hao Kailan cartoon she had seen the night before.  I simply laughed because it was good advice coming from a 3 1/2 yr old.
Maybe if I start looking at the world through a child's viewpoint then I won't go insane over the life's little quirks.