Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Unachieved 2011 New Year's goal

ok, so I didnt finish my novel as I had originally intended.  seems there's never ending bullshit I have to research.  a published writer friend of mine said, "write what you know," but of course I didn't take her advice and decided to make research for my novel the project/focus of my life.  I have now acquired my own personal Civil War library and my husband says that if I purchase one more Civil War book or subscribe to another Civil War magazine, he is going to flip out, so in response I found two more magazines and just went wild on amazon.com--latest book to arrive is Civil War Recipes. 
I have had this novel in my head for quite a while, but to put it on paper has been quite the challenge.  I figure I have 3 more yrs to finish this novel although ideally I would like to submit it by 2013 at the latest.
seems my heroine, Milicent, is having difficulty muddling through 1862

this is a boring post...I shall torture you no more, rather I will post a pic of my favorite Jeffrey Campbell skate shoe I wore on my birthday

1 comment:

  1. I find I haven't ever finished ANYTHING... but this year I'm making a big push to finish my book, and I know you can too! lets do it together! hehe!

    On a side note, I was just being bitchy about Christianity, I don't really think it will be gone in 100 years, I'm pissy like that! :P
