Friday, November 12, 2010

going back to basics

Okay, so as a fellow shopaholic, I read my friend Tatiana's Facebook status that said she was not going to buy another article of clothing or shoes for a year because she had more than she needed.
After taking a look in my closet full of unworn dresses and shoes neatly placed in their shoe bags, I decided to follow her lead.
However, I am not going to do this till after the holidays and I am curious to see how much money will be saved by Jan 2012.
I know all of us can do the same, but to each his/her own.  I have found that over the years my obsession with the material things have often overtaken my better judgment and in order to make a difference I must start on working within and pay less attention to trying disguise my insecurities behind designer labels


  1. welcome to blogs-ville!! I'm a fellow starter too.wanna just have a place to throw things out(cos its also easier than writing wiv a pen) its gonna be hard not to buy new stuff. i buy new stuff but make sure i give out old clothes, shoes or bags that i haven't worn in the last 3 months....
    have a look at my blog(haven't written much tho)feel free to follow n comment!

  2. first of all, what size do u wear? ha ha! yeah it's going to be very difficult to deprive myself, but most of the time i buy out of depression or just sheer boredom. all of which can be put to better uses.
    good luck with your endeavor! and hear from u soon
