Saturday, January 1, 2011

First day of New Years Resolution

As I had mentioned on my fb page, I am not going to buy any clothes or shoes for next year with the exception of my future London/Paris trip.  Today I have found myself desperately internet shopping, placing items in my cart and then reluctantly leaving the online store page.
Like an alcoholic or overeater, I am trying to fill some kind of void that is bottomless.  My only salvation is my continued writing on my novel, but with all the research, I often find myself becoming impatient wanting to complete my story so I can submit it to several literary agents.  The only factor against me is finding the time to write and research.  My lovely daughter requires lots and lots of attention, which of course I do not mind considering she is my baby and one day she will not be around.  There will be a time when she goes off to college (hopefully in Boston or Paris...but not pushing it) and she will be busy leading her own life and creating her world.
So, as I rang in the New Year last night, my thoughts were that this year is going to be different and I am finally going to complete something in my life (meaning my novel).  I love starting new projects, but never to completion.  I am my own cheerleader for 2011.


  1. I've always wanted to have a famous daughter so keep on writing like Rumpletelskin (probably misspelled it) used to spin gold. Hopefully your first novel will be a hit but if not remember Mr. Edison who discovered the light bulb. After he failed on numerous attempts to create light by electricity his critics told him why didn't he give up as people were meant to have light by oil and coal. His response was I haven't failed because with each time it doesn't work it brings me that much closer to achieving my goal of people enjoying light by the lightbulb. The rest of the story is history. So put your heart and mind into your work other people have suceeded and so can you.
    Love Dad
